How Much Information is in the Universe? | Space Time

by Super User, 6 years ago
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There’s quite a bit of stuff in the universe, to put it mildly.

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Previous Episode:
The Black Hole Entropy Enigma

Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Matt O'Dowd
Graphics by Luke Maroldi
Assistant Editing and Sound Design by Mike Petrow
Made by Kornhaber Brown (



Hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars, each with … rather a lot of particles in them. And then there’s all the stuff that isn’t stars. The dark matter, black holes, planets, and the particles and radiation in between the stars and galaxies. Stuff EVERYWHERE! But… is the universe actually made of stuff? An increasing number of physicists view the universe – view reality as informational at its most fundamental level. But how big a memory bank would you even need to compute a universe? Seriously, let’s figure it out.

Computational Capacity of the Universe (2001), by Seth Lloyd

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