Helsinki Maths Mystery - Penrose tiles

by Jay, 9 years ago
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Subscribe to my channel: More videos here: Thanks to Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS, the people of the world can today enjoy an infinitely-varying pattern of tessellating tiling upon their bathroom walls. I was on safari in Helsinki, hoping in vain to bag a giraffe, when I spotted the unmistakable traces on the ground of a different quarry. Historical caution: the exact nature of the prize mentioned, and the number of people it was awarded to, I cannot say with any certainty. As I shot the video, I was going by memory. Several mathematicians were involved in this field of study, but Roger Penrose is normally credited with kite and dart patterns. Lindybeige: a channel of archaeology, ancient and medieval warfare, rants, swing dance, travelogues, evolution, and whatever else occurs to me to make. ▼ Follow me... Twitter: I may have some drivel to contribute to the Twittersphere, plus you get notice of uploads. Facebook: (it's a 'page' and now seems to be working). Google+: "" (It's a bit like Facebook, I'm told. Not much, I hope) website: Helsinki Maths Mystery - Penrose tiles"Lindybeige"